Сегодня родился Гайдар Аркадий Петрович
22 января 1904 года в семье учителей родился Гайдар Аркадий Петрович. Это русский и советский детский писатель и киносценарист. Произведения писателя вошли в школьную программу, активно экранизировались, переведены на многие языки мира. Произведение «Тимур и его команда» фактически положило начало уникальному тимуровскому движению, ставившему своей целью добровольческую помощь ветеранам и пожилым людям со стороны пионеров. Наиболее известные произведения Аркадия Гайдара: «Школа» (1930), «Дальние страны» (1932), «Четвёртый блиндаж», «Военная тайна» (1935), «Тимур и его команда» (1940), «Чук и Гек» (1939), «Судьба барабанщика» (1938), рассказы «Горячий камень» (1941), «Голубая чашка» (1936).
On January 22, 1904 in a family of teachers Gaidar Arkady Petrovich was born. He is a Russian and a Soviet children's writer and a screenwriter. Works of the writer were included into the school program, actively picturized, are translated to many languages. The work "Timur and His Team" actually laid the foundation to the unique timurovsky movement setting as the purpose the voluntary help to veterans and elderly people by pioneers. The most known works of Arkady Gaidar: "School" (1930), "The distant countries" (1932), "The fourth blindage", "Military secret" (1935), "Timur and his team" (1940), "Chuk and Gek" (1939), "Destiny of the drummer" (1938), stories "Hot Stone" (1941), "A blue cup" (1936).
On January 22, 1904 in a family of teachers Gaidar Arkady Petrovich was born. He is a Russian and a Soviet children's writer and a screenwriter. Works of the writer were included into the school program, actively picturized, are translated to many languages. The work "Timur and His Team" actually laid the foundation to the unique timurovsky movement setting as the purpose the voluntary help to veterans and elderly people by pioneers. The most known works of Arkady Gaidar: "School" (1930), "The distant countries" (1932), "The fourth blindage", "Military secret" (1935), "Timur and his team" (1940), "Chuk and Gek" (1939), "Destiny of the drummer" (1938), stories "Hot Stone" (1941), "A blue cup" (1936).
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