Открытие Эрмитажа
17 февраля 1852 года состоялось торжественное открытие Нового Эрмитажа. По этому случаю в театре Эрмитаж был дан спектакль, а затем устроен праздничный ужин на 600 персон. В это время музей уже имел богатейшие коллекции памятников древневосточной, древнеегипетской, античной и средневековой культур, искусства Западной и Восточной Европы, археологических и художественных памятников Азии, памятников русской культуры 8-19 веков.
On February 17, 1852 the ceremonial opening of the New Hermitage took place. On this occasion at Hermitage theater the performance was given, and then the festive dinner for 600 persons was arranged. At this time museum already had the richest collections of monuments of Ancient East, Ancient Egypt, antique and medieval cultures, arts of Western and Eastern Europe, archaeological and art monuments of Asia, monuments of Russian culture of 8-19 centuries.
On February 17, 1852 the ceremonial opening of the New Hermitage took place. On this occasion at Hermitage theater the performance was given, and then the festive dinner for 600 persons was arranged. At this time museum already had the richest collections of monuments of Ancient East, Ancient Egypt, antique and medieval cultures, arts of Western and Eastern Europe, archaeological and art monuments of Asia, monuments of Russian culture of 8-19 centuries.
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- kultura
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