Сегодня родился Бегичев Никифор Алексеевич
19 февраля 1874 года родился Бегичев Никифор Алексеевич. Это русский моряк и полярный путешественник. За свою жизнь он принял участие в большом количестве морских экспедиций. Бегичев трижды ходил из Кронштадта к Антильским островам, участвовал в экспедиции по изучению Новосибирских островов и других. Его именем названы Острова Бегичева, улицы в Москве, Астрахани, Волгограде, Новосибирске, Норильске.
On February 19, 1874 Begichev Nikifor Alekseevich was born. This is a Russian sailor and a polar traveler. For his life he took part in a large number of sea expeditions. Begichev went from Kronstadt to the Antilles three times, participated in expedition for studying of New Siberian Archipelago and others. Begichev's Islands, streets in Moscow, Astrakhan, Volgograd, Novosibirsk, Norilsk are called by his name.
On February 19, 1874 Begichev Nikifor Alekseevich was born. This is a Russian sailor and a polar traveler. For his life he took part in a large number of sea expeditions. Begichev went from Kronstadt to the Antilles three times, participated in expedition for studying of New Siberian Archipelago and others. Begichev's Islands, streets in Moscow, Astrakhan, Volgograd, Novosibirsk, Norilsk are called by his name.
- ostrov
- život
- mořský