Сегодня родился Дуров Борис Валентинович
12 марта 1937 года родился Дуров Борис Валентинович. Это советский кинорежиссёр и сценарист. Его дебютом в кино стал приключенческий фильм об альпинистах «Вертикаль». Самым известным фильмом Дурова был боевик «Пираты XX века», который посмотрел в кинотеатре каждый третий житель СССР.
On March 12, 1937 Durov Boris Valentinovich was born. This is a Soviet film director and a screenwriter. The adventure movie about climbers "Vertical" became his debut at cinema. The action film "Pirates of the 20th century" was the most famous movie of Durov and every third resident of the USSR has watched it.
On March 12, 1937 Durov Boris Valentinovich was born. This is a Soviet film director and a screenwriter. The adventure movie about climbers "Vertical" became his debut at cinema. The action film "Pirates of the 20th century" was the most famous movie of Durov and every third resident of the USSR has watched it.
- film
- obyvatel
- známý
- Boris