Сегодня родился Смыслов Василий Васильевич
24 марта 1921 года в Москве родился Смыслов Василий Васильевич. Это советский и российский шахматист, чемпион СССР по шахматам, шахматный теоретик. Василий начал играть в шахматы в 6 лет. Он с детства занимался в шахматной секции. Кроме шахмат, он занимался вокалом. В 75 -летнем возрасте Смыслов спел сольный концерт с симфоническим оркестром в зале Московской консерватории. Он также написал 8 книг об игре в шахматы.
On March 24, 1921 in Moscow Smyslov Vasily Vasilyevich was born. This is a Soviet and Russian chess player, the champion of the USSR on chess, a chess theorist. Vasily began to play chess when he was 6. Since his childhood he was engaged in chess section. Except chess, he was engaged in a vocal. At the 75th-year age Smyslov sang a solo concert with a symphonic orchestra in the hall of the Moscow conservatory. He also wrote 8 books about chess playing.
On March 24, 1921 in Moscow Smyslov Vasily Vasilyevich was born. This is a Soviet and Russian chess player, the champion of the USSR on chess, a chess theorist. Vasily began to play chess when he was 6. Since his childhood he was engaged in chess section. Except chess, he was engaged in a vocal. At the 75th-year age Smyslov sang a solo concert with a symphonic orchestra in the hall of the Moscow conservatory. He also wrote 8 books about chess playing.
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