Знаменитое извержение "Безымянного"
30 марта 1956 года произошло знаменитое извержение вулкана "Безымянный" на Камчатке (Россия). Это мощное извержение было примечательным тем, что вулкан проснулся после 1000-летнего покоя. До этого извержения, вулкан имел конусообразную форму. Во время знаменитого извержения на вершине вулкана образовался кратер диаметром 800 метров, из которого происходили частые выбросы пепла на высоту 2-7 километров.
On March 30, 1956 there was the well-known volcanic eruption of volcano "Unnamed" in Kamchatka (Russia). This powerful eruption was remarkable because the volcano woke up after 1000-year rest. Before this eruption, the volcano had the cone-shaped form. During the well-known eruption at peak of a volcano the crater was formed with a diameter of 800 meters from which there were frequent bursts of ashes with height of 2-7 kilometers.
On March 30, 1956 there was the well-known volcanic eruption of volcano "Unnamed" in Kamchatka (Russia). This powerful eruption was remarkable because the volcano woke up after 1000-year rest. Before this eruption, the volcano had the cone-shaped form. During the well-known eruption at peak of a volcano the crater was formed with a diameter of 800 meters from which there were frequent bursts of ashes with height of 2-7 kilometers.
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