Премьера балета "Весна священная"
29 мая 1913 года в Париже на Елисейских Полях состоялась премьера балета русского композитора Игоря Стравинского "Весна Священная". В основу замысла "Весны священной" лёг сон Стравинского. "Весна Священная" явилась одним из 27 музыкальных произведений, записанных на золотой пластинке «Вояджера» — первой фонограммы, отправленной за пределы солнечной системы для внеземных цивилизаций.
On May 29, 1913 in Paris on the Champs Elysée "Spring the Sacred" took place the primiere of the ballet of the Russian composer Igor Stravinsky. The plot of "Spring the sacred" was basen on a dream of Stravinsky. "Spring the Sacred" was one of the 27 pieces of music which were recorded on a gold platter of "Voyager" — the first soundtrack sent out of limits of the solar system for extraterrestrial civilizations.
On May 29, 1913 in Paris on the Champs Elysée "Spring the Sacred" took place the primiere of the ballet of the Russian composer Igor Stravinsky. The plot of "Spring the sacred" was basen on a dream of Stravinsky. "Spring the Sacred" was one of the 27 pieces of music which were recorded on a gold platter of "Voyager" — the first soundtrack sent out of limits of the solar system for extraterrestrial civilizations.
- balet
- dívka, holka
- jaro
- skladatel
- zlato