Сегодня родился Слободкин Яков Павлович
11 августа 1920 года в Ростове-на-Дону родился Слободкин Яков Павлович. Это известный советский и российский виолончелист и педагог. Слободкин начал учиться играть на виолончели в 5 лет. Его первое публичное выступление состоялось в 10 лет. Яков Слободкин закончил Московскую государственную консерваторию имени Чайковского. За 50 лет концертной деятельности Яков Слободкин выступал в лучших залах мира со знаменитыми советскими и зарубежными дирижерами, симфоническими оркестрами.
On August 11, 1920 in Rostov-on-Don Slobodkin Yakov Pavlovich was born. This is a famous Soviet and Russian cellist and a teacher. Slobodkin started learning to play a violoncello when he was 5. his first public statement took place when he was 10. Yakov Slobodkin graduated from the Moscow state conservatory of Tchaikovsky. For 50 years of concert activity Yakov Slobodkin played in the best halls of the world with the famous Soviet and foreign conductors, symphonic orchestras.
On August 11, 1920 in Rostov-on-Don Slobodkin Yakov Pavlovich was born. This is a famous Soviet and Russian cellist and a teacher. Slobodkin started learning to play a violoncello when he was 5. his first public statement took place when he was 10. Yakov Slobodkin graduated from the Moscow state conservatory of Tchaikovsky. For 50 years of concert activity Yakov Slobodkin played in the best halls of the world with the famous Soviet and foreign conductors, symphonic orchestras.
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- violoncello