Красная Поляна (Сочи)
Красная Поляна - это курортный посёлок в городе Сочи (Россия). Этот популярный курорт расположен в тридцати девяти километров от берега Чёрного моря на высоте около пятисот метров над уровнем моря. Посёлок со всех сторон окружён высокими горами. Здесь чистый горный воздух и мягкий климат. Основными достопримечательностями Красной Поляны являются: Греческая церковь Святого Харлампия, Бронзовый солдат, Краеведческий музей и другие.
Krasnaya Polyana is a resort settlement in the city of Sochi (Russia). This popular resort is located in thirty nine kilometers from the coast of the Black Sea at the height about five hundred meters above sea level. The settlement from all directions is surrounded with high mountains. Here are clean mountain air and soft climate. The main sights of Krasnaya Polyana are: Greek church of Saint Harlampiya, Bronze soldier, Museum of local lore and others.
Krasnaya Polyana is a resort settlement in the city of Sochi (Russia). This popular resort is located in thirty nine kilometers from the coast of the Black Sea at the height about five hundred meters above sea level. The settlement from all directions is surrounded with high mountains. Here are clean mountain air and soft climate. The main sights of Krasnaya Polyana are: Greek church of Saint Harlampiya, Bronze soldier, Museum of local lore and others.
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