Кольский полуостров
Кольский полуостров - это полуостров, который находится на северо-западе Европейской части России, в Мурманской области. Он омывается Баренцевым и Белым морями. Почти вся территория Кольского полуострова расположена за Северным полярным кругом. Кольский полуостров славится своими полезными ископаемыми и не имеет аналогов в мире по этому показателю.
Kola Peninsula is a peninsula which is located in the northwest of the European part of Russia, in Murmansk region. It is washed by the Barents and the White seas. Almost all territory of the Kola Peninsula is located beyond Arctic Circle. The Kola Peninsula is famous for its minerals and has no analogs in the world on this indicator.
Kola Peninsula is a peninsula which is located in the northwest of the European part of Russia, in Murmansk region. It is washed by the Barents and the White seas. Almost all territory of the Kola Peninsula is located beyond Arctic Circle. The Kola Peninsula is famous for its minerals and has no analogs in the world on this indicator.
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