Сегодня родился Михайлов Борис Петрович
6 октября 1944 года родился Михайлов Борис Петрович. Это выдающийся советский хоккеист, двукратный олимпийский чемпион, советский и российский тренер. Всего на чемпионатах мира и зимних Олимпийских играх сыграл 120 матчей, забил 109 голов. В течение долгого времени был капитаном сборной СССР. Михайлов женат, имеет двух сыновей (Андрей и Егор), которые также посвятили себя хоккею. С 2011 года он входит в попечительский совет Международного турнира по хоккею с шайбой Arctic Cup.
On October 6, 1944 Mikhaylov Boris Petrovich was born. This is an outstanding Soviet hockey player, a two-time Olympic champion, a Soviet and Russian trainer. He played 120 matches and scored 109 goals in World Cups and winter Olympic Games. For a long time he was the captain of USSR national team. Mikhaylov is married, has two sons (Andrey and Egor) who also devoted themselves to hockey. Since 2011 he was included into the board of trustees of Arctic Cup ice hockey International tournament.
On October 6, 1944 Mikhaylov Boris Petrovich was born. This is an outstanding Soviet hockey player, a two-time Olympic champion, a Soviet and Russian trainer. He played 120 matches and scored 109 goals in World Cups and winter Olympic Games. For a long time he was the captain of USSR national team. Mikhaylov is married, has two sons (Andrey and Egor) who also devoted themselves to hockey. Since 2011 he was included into the board of trustees of Arctic Cup ice hockey International tournament.
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