Московское море
Иваньковское водохранилище, также известное как Московское море, — это первое водохранилище в верхнем течении реки Волги. Ширина водохранилища составляет 2-5 км, длина около 120 км. Оно удерживается дамбой высотой 14 метров. В 1937 году была затоплена водой территория, которую занимали 106 населённых пунктов, обширные луга и болота, большие площади спиленных лесов. Под водой оказалась площадь 32 000 га. Из Иваньковского водохранилища берет начало канал имени Москвы, поставляющий пресную воду в Москву и обводняющий Москву-реку. На стоке водохранилища работает Иваньковская ГЭС. В Московском море можно купаться и ловить рыбу. В акватории водохранилища находится около 300 островов. Здесь можно ходить на парусной яхте и заниматься многими другими водными видами спорта и отдыха.
The Ivankovskoye Reservoir also known as the Moscow sea — this first reservoir in Volga River headwaters. Width of a reservoir makes 2-5 km, length about 120 km. It is kept by a dam 14 meters high. In 1937 it was flooded with water the territory which was occupied by 106 settlements, extensive meadows and bogs, big areas of cut woods was flooded. Under water there was an area of 32 000 hectares. The Ivankovskoye Reservoir Moscow Canal delivers fresh water to Moscow and flood the Moskva River. The Ivankovsky hydroelectric power station works at a drain of a reservoir. It is possible to bathe and catch fish In the Moscow sea. There are about 300 islands in the water area of a reservoir. It is possible to go on the sailing yacht and to do many other water sports and rest here.
The Ivankovskoye Reservoir also known as the Moscow sea — this first reservoir in Volga River headwaters. Width of a reservoir makes 2-5 km, length about 120 km. It is kept by a dam 14 meters high. In 1937 it was flooded with water the territory which was occupied by 106 settlements, extensive meadows and bogs, big areas of cut woods was flooded. Under water there was an area of 32 000 hectares. The Ivankovskoye Reservoir Moscow Canal delivers fresh water to Moscow and flood the Moskva River. The Ivankovsky hydroelectric power station works at a drain of a reservoir. It is possible to bathe and catch fish In the Moscow sea. There are about 300 islands in the water area of a reservoir. It is possible to go on the sailing yacht and to do many other water sports and rest here.
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