Сегодня родился Рерих Святослав Николаевич
23 октября 1904 года родился Рерих Святослав Николаевич. Это русский и индийский художник, общественный деятель, коллекционер восточного искусства, почетный член Академии Художеств СССР. Его основные жанры картин - пейзажи, портреты, символические композиции. Святослав родился в Петербурге в семье русского художника Николая Константиновича Рериха. Отец часто брал его с собой в археологические поездки по древнерусским городам. С 1916-го по 1918 год он вместе с семьёй живёт в Финляндии, где в 13-летнем возрасте пишет первый портрет отца. С 1919 года Святослав Рерих обучается в Лондоне, в Королевской академии искусств, где изучает архитектуру. В США Святослав Рерих продолжает архитектурное образование, сначала в школе Колумбийского университета на архитектурном отделении, а затем учится в Гарвардском университете, одновременно посещая скульптурное отделение университета Массачусетса. В это же время занимается живописью, книжной иллюстрацией и графикой. Закончив учёбу, с 1931 года Святослав Николаевич постоянно проживает в Индии, переехав из США к своей семье. В Индии он принимает активное участие в её общественной и культурной жизни и всё больше времени отдает живописи. Индия стала для него родиной. Святослав принимал участие в работе Института Гималайских исследований «Урусвати». Первая выставка картин С. Н. Рериха на родине открылась 11 мая 1960 года в Государственном музее изобразительных искусств. Полотна Рериха изящны, лаконичны, в них точно передан духовно-эмоциональный образ человека.
On October 23, 1904 Roerich Svyatoslav Nikolaevich was born. This is a Russian and an Indian artist, a public figure, a a collector of Oriental art, a honorary member of Academy of Arts of the USSR. His main genres of paintings — landscapes, portraits, symbolical compositions. Svyatoslav was born in St. Petersburg in a family of Russian artist Nikolay Konstantinovich Roerich. The father often took him with himself in archaeological trips to Old Russian cities. Fr om 1916 to 1918 he together with his family lives in Finland where at 13-year age painted the first portrait of the father. Since 1919 Svyatoslav Roerich was trained in London, in Royal academy of arts where studies architecture. In the USA Svyatoslav Roerich continues architectural education, at first at school of Columbia University on architectural department, and then studies at Harvard university, at the same time visiting sculptural office of university of Massachusetts. In the same time he was engaged in painting, book illustrations and graphics. Having finished his study, since 1931 Svyatoslav Nikolaevich constantly lives in India, having moved from the USA to his family. He takes active part in public and cultural life in India and more and more time gives to painting. India became for him his homeland. Svyatoslav took part in work of Institute of the Himalaya researches "Urusvati". The first art exhibition of S. N. Roerich in the USSR opened on May 11, 1960 in the State museum of the fine arts. The pictures of Roerich are graceful, laconic, they transfer a spiritual and emotional image of a person.
On October 23, 1904 Roerich Svyatoslav Nikolaevich was born. This is a Russian and an Indian artist, a public figure, a a collector of Oriental art, a honorary member of Academy of Arts of the USSR. His main genres of paintings — landscapes, portraits, symbolical compositions. Svyatoslav was born in St. Petersburg in a family of Russian artist Nikolay Konstantinovich Roerich. The father often took him with himself in archaeological trips to Old Russian cities. Fr om 1916 to 1918 he together with his family lives in Finland where at 13-year age painted the first portrait of the father. Since 1919 Svyatoslav Roerich was trained in London, in Royal academy of arts where studies architecture. In the USA Svyatoslav Roerich continues architectural education, at first at school of Columbia University on architectural department, and then studies at Harvard university, at the same time visiting sculptural office of university of Massachusetts. In the same time he was engaged in painting, book illustrations and graphics. Having finished his study, since 1931 Svyatoslav Nikolaevich constantly lives in India, having moved from the USA to his family. He takes active part in public and cultural life in India and more and more time gives to painting. India became for him his homeland. Svyatoslav took part in work of Institute of the Himalaya researches "Urusvati". The first art exhibition of S. N. Roerich in the USSR opened on May 11, 1960 in the State museum of the fine arts. The pictures of Roerich are graceful, laconic, they transfer a spiritual and emotional image of a person.
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