Дикий кабан
Дикий кабан является предком домашней свиньи. В лесах и национальных парках России обитает много диких кабанов. Вес взрослого кабана может достигать 150—200 кг. Он способен развивать скорость до 40 км/ч. Длительность жизни этого свирепого животного может достигать 20 лет. Дикий кабан отлично плавает. Он вынослив и может преодолевать вплавь большие расстояния. Их зрение развито слабо, но обоняние и слух очень хороши. Они очень храбры и опасны по своей силе и из-за крупных клыков. Охота на кабана является очень опасной, так как кабаны способны яростно атаковать человека, сбить его с ног и топтать передними ногами, а также наносить рваные раны своими мощными клыками.
The wild boar is an ancestor of a domestic pig. Many wild boars live in the woods in national parks of Russia. The weight of an adult boar can reach 150 - 200 kg. It is capable to reach speed up to 40 km/h. This furious animal can live for 20 years. The wild boar is really good at swimming. It is tough and can overcome long distances by swimming. It has poor sight, but sense of smell and hearing are very good. They are very brave and dangerous by their force and because of their large canines. Hunting for a boar is very dangerous as boars are capable to furiously attack humans, to bring them down and to trample them down by forward legs, and also to put lacerations with the powerful canines.
The wild boar is an ancestor of a domestic pig. Many wild boars live in the woods in national parks of Russia. The weight of an adult boar can reach 150 - 200 kg. It is capable to reach speed up to 40 km/h. This furious animal can live for 20 years. The wild boar is really good at swimming. It is tough and can overcome long distances by swimming. It has poor sight, but sense of smell and hearing are very good. They are very brave and dangerous by their force and because of their large canines. Hunting for a boar is very dangerous as boars are capable to furiously attack humans, to bring them down and to trample them down by forward legs, and also to put lacerations with the powerful canines.
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