Факты о младенцах
Некоторые страны учитывают возраст человека не с момента рождения, а с момента зачатия. Корея является такой страной. Околоплодные воды – идеальная среда обитания для малыша. В состав вод входит такое же количество соли как в океанической воде. Новорожденный имеет развитый рефлекс ныряния и при этом может намного больше пробыть под водой, чем взрослый. Человек как и любое млекопитающее имеет зародыш хвоста, развитие которого прекращается на восьмой неделе.
Some countries consider age of a person not from the moment of the birth but from the moment of conception. Korea is a such country. Amniotic waters – ideal habitat for the kid. It has the same amount of salt as oceanic waters. The newborn has a developed reflex of diving and can stay much longer under water than an adult. A human as well as any mammal has a germ of a tail which development stops on the eighth week.
Some countries consider age of a person not from the moment of the birth but from the moment of conception. Korea is a such country. Amniotic waters – ideal habitat for the kid. It has the same amount of salt as oceanic waters. The newborn has a developed reflex of diving and can stay much longer under water than an adult. A human as well as any mammal has a germ of a tail which development stops on the eighth week.
- uomo
- coda di cavallo
- sviluppo
- momento
- ottavo
- settimana