Сегодня родился Глеб Александрович Ивашенцов
11 марта 1883 года в Петербурге родился Глеб Александрович Ивашенцов. Это знаменитый советский терапевт, инфекционист, организатор здравоохранения. Он окончил военно-медицинскую академию и работал в отрядах Красного Креста. 1 июля 1922 года Ивашенцова избирали главным врачом инфекционной больницы имени Боткина. Эта больница была до революции самым передовым инфекционным стационаром не только в России, но и в Европе. Благодаря его усилиям начался капитальный ремонт больничных зданий и полная реконструкция больницы, которая была разрушена во время войны.
On March 11, 1883 in St. Petersburg Gleb Aleksandrovich Ivashentsov was born. This is a famous Soviet therapist, an infectiologist, an organizer of health care. He has graduated from army medical college and worked in groups of the Red Cross. On July 1, 1922 Ivashentsov was elected the chief physician of infectious diseases hospital of Botkin. This hospital was before revolution the most advanced infectious hospital not only in Russia, but also in Europe. Thanks to his efforts capital repairs of hospital buildings and full reconstruction of the hospital which was destroyed during war.
On March 11, 1883 in St. Petersburg Gleb Aleksandrovich Ivashentsov was born. This is a famous Soviet therapist, an infectiologist, an organizer of health care. He has graduated from army medical college and worked in groups of the Red Cross. On July 1, 1922 Ivashentsov was elected the chief physician of infectious diseases hospital of Botkin. This hospital was before revolution the most advanced infectious hospital not only in Russia, but also in Europe. Thanks to his efforts capital repairs of hospital buildings and full reconstruction of the hospital which was destroyed during war.
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