Сегодня родился Мусоргский Модест Петрович
21 марта 1839 года родился Мусоргский Модест Петрович. Это известный русский композитор, член «Могучей кучки». Модест имел дворянское происхождение. Он получил блестящее образование и с детства свободно говорил на французском и немецком языках. Он отлично играл на фортепиано. Его учителями были лучшие мастера того времени. Самые масштабные творческие достижения Мусоргского были сосредоточены в области оперы. Мусоргский сочинял песни, романсы, писал музыку и был очень популярным композитором как в Российской Империи, так и за ее пределами.
On March 21, 1839 Mussorgsky Modest Petrovich was born. This is a famous Russian composer, the member of "The Five". Modest had a noble origin. He has got a brilliant education and since his childhood spoke fluently French and German languages. He perfectly played the piano. The best masters of that time were his teachers. The most large-scale creative achievements of Mussorgsky were concentrated in the field of the opera. Mussorgsky composed songs, romances, wrote music and was very popular composer both in the Russian Empire, and beyond its borders.
On March 21, 1839 Mussorgsky Modest Petrovich was born. This is a famous Russian composer, the member of "The Five". Modest had a noble origin. He has got a brilliant education and since his childhood spoke fluently French and German languages. He perfectly played the piano. The best masters of that time were his teachers. The most large-scale creative achievements of Mussorgsky were concentrated in the field of the opera. Mussorgsky composed songs, romances, wrote music and was very popular composer both in the Russian Empire, and beyond its borders.
- istruzione
- ottimo
- tedesco
- famoso
- conseguimenti
- maestro
- musicista
- infanzia