Сегодня родился Метревели Слава Калистратович
30 марта 1936 года в Сочи родился Метревели Слава Калистратович. Это советский футболист, нападающий, чемпион Европы и дважды чемпион СССР. В Сочи в честь Славы Метревели назван Центральный стадион и открыт памятник.
On March 30, 1936 Metreveli Slava Kalistratovich was born in Sochi. This is a Soviet football player, forward, the champion of Europe and the twice champion of the USSR. In Sochi in honor of Slava Metreveli the Central stadium was called and the monument to was open.
On March 30, 1936 Metreveli Slava Kalistratovich was born in Sochi. This is a Soviet football player, forward, the champion of Europe and the twice champion of the USSR. In Sochi in honor of Slava Metreveli the Central stadium was called and the monument to was open.
- campione
- centrale
- calciatore
- stadio
- monumento
- aperto