Щелезуб - это ночное, насекомоядное млекопитающее, которое похоже на большую крысу. Его вес может достигать 1 кг, а его длина равна приблизительно 30 см. Щелезуба часто называют "живой окаменелостью", потому что он фактически не изменился за прошлые 76 миллионов лет. Они могут жить до одиннадцати лет на воле.
Solenodon is a nocturnal, insectivorous mammal which resembles on a big rat. Its weight can reach 1 kg and its length is about 30 cm. The solenodon has often been called a "living fossil" because it has been around virtually unchanged for the past 76 million years. They can live for up to eleven years in the wild.
Solenodon is a nocturnal, insectivorous mammal which resembles on a big rat. Its weight can reach 1 kg and its length is about 30 cm. The solenodon has often been called a "living fossil" because it has been around virtually unchanged for the past 76 million years. They can live for up to eleven years in the wild.
- milione
- vivo
- scorso
- 11 - undici
- chiamarsi
- grande