Сегодня родилась Крепкогорская Муза Викторовна
9 июля 1924 года в Москве родилась Крепкогорская Муза Викторовна. Это советская и российская актриса театра и кино. Актриса сыграла роль в фильме "Молодая Гваридия" и многих других фильмах. Она играла роли весёлых, озорных девушек. Муза была женой актера Георгия Юматова.
On July 9, 1924 in Moscow Krepkogorsky Muse Viktorovna was born. This is a Soviet and Russian actress of theater and cinema. The actress has played a role in the movie "Young Gvaridiya" and many other movies. She played roles of cheerful, naughty girls. Muse was a wife of the actor Georgy Yumatov.
On July 9, 1924 in Moscow Krepkogorsky Muse Viktorovna was born. This is a Soviet and Russian actress of theater and cinema. The actress has played a role in the movie "Young Gvaridiya" and many other movies. She played roles of cheerful, naughty girls. Muse was a wife of the actor Georgy Yumatov.
- film
- teatro
- allegro