Сегодня родился Блинников Сергей Капитонович
2 августа 1901 года в Москве родился Блинников Сергей Капитонович. Это советский российский актёр театра и кино, театральный режиссёр, педагог. Он учился в театральной школе Малого театра. За свою карьеру Блинников сыграл 56 ролей в кино. Актер был мастером сценической речи, умел перевоплощаться. Популярные фильмы с участием Блинникова: "Капитанская дочка", "Слепой музыкант", "Королева Бензаколонки" и многие другие.
On August 2, 1901 in Moscow Blinnikov Sergey Kapitonovich was born. This is a Soviet Russian stage and film actor, a theatrical director, a teacher. He studied at drama school of Maly Theatre. For his career Blinnikov has played 56 roles cinema. The actor was the master of the scenic speech, he was skillful to reincarnate. Popular movies with Blinnikov's participation are: "The captain's daughter", "The blind musician", "Queen of the gas station" and many others.
On August 2, 1901 in Moscow Blinnikov Sergey Kapitonovich was born. This is a Soviet Russian stage and film actor, a theatrical director, a teacher. He studied at drama school of Maly Theatre. For his career Blinnikov has played 56 roles cinema. The actor was the master of the scenic speech, he was skillful to reincarnate. Popular movies with Blinnikov's participation are: "The captain's daughter", "The blind musician", "Queen of the gas station" and many others.
- film
- teatro
- Serghey
- regista
- musicista
- molti
- popolare