Спаржа - это полезный овощ богатый витаминами и микроэлементами. При этом, это очень диетический продукт. В мире существует около 200 видов спаржи. Спаржу используют не только для употребления в пищу, но и как декоративный элемент, который входит в различные цветочные ансамбли. В еду используется белая и зеленая спаржа. Из нее можно готовить супы, гарниры, салаты и десерты.
The asparagus is a healthy vegetable rich in vitamins and minerals. At the same time this is a very dietary product. There are about 200 types of an asparagus in the world. The asparagus is used not only for consumption, but also as a decorative element which enters into various flower ensembles. For food the white and green asparagus are used. It is possible to cook soups, garnishes, salads and desserts using it.
The asparagus is a healthy vegetable rich in vitamins and minerals. At the same time this is a very dietary product. There are about 200 types of an asparagus in the world. The asparagus is used not only for consumption, but also as a decorative element which enters into various flower ensembles. For food the white and green asparagus are used. It is possible to cook soups, garnishes, salads and desserts using it.
- insalata
- utile
- molto
- quale
[disèrt ]
- dessert
- preparare
- ricco
- prodotti
- verde