Сегодня родилась Анисимова Нина Александровна
14 января 1909 года в Санкт-Петербурге родилась Анисимова Нина Александровна. Это артистка балета и балетмейстер, солистка Ленинградского театра оперы и балета. После окончания Ленинградского театрального училища, Нина Анисимова была принята в балетную труппу Малого оперного театра. После окончания карьеры балерины, Нина Анисимова преподавала на балетмейстерском отделении Ленинградской консерватории.
On January 14, 1909 in St. Petersburg Anisimova Nina Aleksandrovna was born. This is a ballet dancer and a ballet master, a soloist of the Leningrad opera and ballet theater. After graduation from the Leningrad theatrical school, Nina Anisimova was accepted in ballet troupe of Maly opera Theatre. After the termination of her career of a ballerina, Nina Anisimova taught on choreographic department of the Leningrad conservatory.
On January 14, 1909 in St. Petersburg Anisimova Nina Aleksandrovna was born. This is a ballet dancer and a ballet master, a soloist of the Leningrad opera and ballet theater. After graduation from the Leningrad theatrical school, Nina Anisimova was accepted in ballet troupe of Maly opera Theatre. After the termination of her career of a ballerina, Nina Anisimova taught on choreographic department of the Leningrad conservatory.
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