Галактика NGC 1055
Недавно наземная обсерватория VLT сфотографировала спиральную галактику NGC 1055, которую мы видим всегда с ребра. Она расположена в 55 миллионах световых лет от Земли в созвездии Морского Монстра. Эта галактика на пятнадцать процентов больше нашего Млечного Пути.
Recently land observatory VLT has photographed a spiral galaxy NGC 1055 which we always see from the edge. It is located in 55 million light years from Earth in the constellation of the Sea Monster. This galaxy is fifteen percent bigger than our Milky Way.
Recently land observatory VLT has photographed a spiral galaxy NGC 1055 which we always see from the edge. It is located in 55 million light years from Earth in the constellation of the Sea Monster. This galaxy is fifteen percent bigger than our Milky Way.
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