Сегодня родился Волонтир Михай Ермолаевич
9 марта 1934 года родился Волонтир Михай Ермолаевич. Это советский и молдавский актёр театра и кино, театральный режиссёр. Михай Волонтир сыграл в театре более 120 главных ролей. Он также пел на сценах театра и эстрады, в кинофильмах, на радио и телевидении. В его фонотеке более 50 песен, многие из которых стали шлягерами. Самые известные фильмы с участием Михая Волонтира: "Цыган", "Единственный мужчина", "Эта мужская дружба" и многие другие.
On March 9, 1934 Volontir Mihai Ermolayevich was born. This is a Soviet and Moldavian stage and film actor, a theatrical director. Mihai Volontir has played more than 120 leading roles in theater. He also sang on the stages of the theater and the bandstand, in movies, on radio and television. In his record library more than 50 songs, many of which became smash hits. The most famous movies with Mihai Volontir's participation are: "Gipsy", "The only man", "This male friendship" and many others.
On March 9, 1934 Volontir Mihai Ermolayevich was born. This is a Soviet and Moldavian stage and film actor, a theatrical director. Mihai Volontir has played more than 120 leading roles in theater. He also sang on the stages of the theater and the bandstand, in movies, on radio and television. In his record library more than 50 songs, many of which became smash hits. The most famous movies with Mihai Volontir's participation are: "Gipsy", "The only man", "This male friendship" and many others.
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