Сегодня родился Новиков-Прибой Алексей Силыч
24 марта 1877 года родился Новиков-Прибой Алексей Силыч. Это известный русский и советский писатель-маринист. Его самые известные произведения: "Морские рассказы", "Две души", "Море зовёт", "Женщина в море", "Капитан I ранга" и многие другие. В память о писателе были выпущены почтовые марки и конверты.
On March 24, 1877 Novikov-Priboy Alexey Silych was born. This is a famous Russian and a Soviet writer-marine painter. His most known works are: "Sea stories", "Two souls", "The sea calls", "The woman in the sea", "The captain of the I rank" and many others. In memory of the writer stamps and envelopes have been released.
On March 24, 1877 Novikov-Priboy Alexey Silych was born. This is a famous Russian and a Soviet writer-marine painter. His most known works are: "Sea stories", "Two souls", "The sea calls", "The woman in the sea", "The captain of the I rank" and many others. In memory of the writer stamps and envelopes have been released.
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