Запущен первый искусственный спутник
4 октября 1957 года в СССР запустили первый искусственный спутник Земли. Советский космический аппарат "Спутник-1" был успешно запущен на околоземную орбиту. Запуск был осуществлен с космодрома "Байконур", хотя в то время он еще так не назывался. Создание спутника велось под руководством основоположника практической космонавтики Сергея Королева. Дата запуска этого космического аппарата считается началом космической эры человечества, а в России отмечается как памятный день Космических войск. Спутник был разработан как очень простой аппарат с двумя радиомаяками для проведения траекторных измерений. Спутник летал 92 дня, до 4 января 1958 года, совершив 1440 оборотов вокруг Земли (около 60 млн км), а его радиопередатчики работали в течение двух недель после старта. Из-за трения о верхние слои атмосферы спутник потерял скорость, вошёл в плотные слои атмосферы и сгорел вследствие трения о воздух.
On October 4, 1957 the USSR launched the first artificial satellite of Earth. The Soviet spacecraft "Спутник-1" was successfully launched to low Earth orbit. Start was made from Baikonur spaceport though at that time it still wasn't called so. Creation of the satellite was under the leadership of a founder of practical astronautics Sergey Korolev. Date of start of this spacecraft is considered to be the beginning of a space age of mankind, and in Russia it is celebrated as memorable day of Space troops. The satellite was developed as very simple device with two radio beacons to do trajectory measurements. The satellite flew 92 days, till January 4, 1958, having made 1440 turns round Earth (about 60 million km), and its radio transmitters worked within two weeks after start. Because of friction in an upper atmosphere the satellite lost speed, entered dense layers of atmosphere and burned down.
On October 4, 1957 the USSR launched the first artificial satellite of Earth. The Soviet spacecraft "Спутник-1" was successfully launched to low Earth orbit. Start was made from Baikonur spaceport though at that time it still wasn't called so. Creation of the satellite was under the leadership of a founder of practical astronautics Sergey Korolev. Date of start of this spacecraft is considered to be the beginning of a space age of mankind, and in Russia it is celebrated as memorable day of Space troops. The satellite was developed as very simple device with two radio beacons to do trajectory measurements. The satellite flew 92 days, till January 4, 1958, having made 1440 turns round Earth (about 60 million km), and its radio transmitters worked within two weeks after start. Because of friction in an upper atmosphere the satellite lost speed, entered dense layers of atmosphere and burned down.
- velocità
- semplice
- dopo
- primo
- molto
- circa
- cosmico
- tempo
- aria
- Serghey