Кострома - это российский город, расположенный на реке Волга. Это крупный речной порт. Город был основан в XII веке. Исторический центр города в основном сохранил образцовый в своём роде ансамбль эпохи классицизма конца XVIII—XIX в. Кострома традиционно включается в туристический маршрут «Золотое кольцо России» и круизы по Волге. Здесь постепенно растёт роль делового туризма.
Kostroma is a Russian city located on the Volga River. It is a large river port. The city was founded in the XII century. Historic center of the city generally kept ensemble of an era of classicism of the end of the XVIII—XIX century model in own way. Kostroma traditionally joins in a tourist route of the Golden Ring of Russia and cruises across Volga. The role of business tourism grows gradually here.
Kostroma is a Russian city located on the Volga River. It is a large river port. The city was founded in the XII century. Historic center of the city generally kept ensemble of an era of classicism of the end of the XVIII—XIX century model in own way. Kostroma traditionally joins in a tourist route of the Golden Ring of Russia and cruises across Volga. The role of business tourism grows gradually here.
- centro
- turismo
- russo
- storico
- qui
- città