Каченовский Михаил Трофимович
12 ноября 1775 года родился Каченовский Михаил Трофимович. Это русский историк, переводчик, литературный критик, родоначальник «скептической школы» в русской историографии. Каченовский был учёным-самоучкой, знал несколько иностранных языков, интересовался русской историей, славянской литературой. Его педагогическая и научная деятельность связана с Московским университетом. В 1805 году Каченовский получил звание магистра философии, а в 1806 году — доктора философии.
On November 12, 1775 Kachenovsky Mikhail Trofimovich was born. This is a Russian historian, a translator, a literary critic, an ancestor of "skeptical school" in the Russian historiography. Kachenovsky was a self-educated scientist, knew several foreign languages, was interested in the Russian history, in Slavic literature. His pedagogical and scientific activity was connected with the Moscow university. In 1805 Kachenovsky was entitled as the master of philosophy, and in 1806 — as the doctor of philosophy.
On November 12, 1775 Kachenovsky Mikhail Trofimovich was born. This is a Russian historian, a translator, a literary critic, an ancestor of "skeptical school" in the Russian historiography. Kachenovsky was a self-educated scientist, knew several foreign languages, was interested in the Russian history, in Slavic literature. His pedagogical and scientific activity was connected with the Moscow university. In 1805 Kachenovsky was entitled as the master of philosophy, and in 1806 — as the doctor of philosophy.
- russo
- traduttore
- storico
- filosofia
- straniero
- letteratura