Сегодня родился Александр I
23 декабря 1777 года родился Александр I. Это император Всероссийский. Получив прекрасное воспитание и блестящее образование, он свободно владел тремя европейскими языками, был умным и красивым. Александр I проводил военные реформы. За время правления Александра I территория Российской империи значительно расширилась: в российское подданство перешли Восточная и Западная Грузия, Мингрелия, Имеретия, Гурия, Финляндия, Бессарабия, большая часть Польши.
On December 23, 1777 was born Alexander I. This is the Emperor of Russia. Having got fine education and a brilliant education, he spoke fluently three European languages, he was clever and handsome. Alexander I carried out military reforms. During Alexander I's board the territory of the Russian Empire considerably extended: East and the Western Georgia, Mingrelia, Imeretiya, Guriya, Finland, Bessarabia, the most part of Poland turned into the Russian citizenship..
On December 23, 1777 was born Alexander I. This is the Emperor of Russia. Having got fine education and a brilliant education, he spoke fluently three European languages, he was clever and handsome. Alexander I carried out military reforms. During Alexander I's board the territory of the Russian Empire considerably extended: East and the Western Georgia, Mingrelia, Imeretiya, Guriya, Finland, Bessarabia, the most part of Poland turned into the Russian citizenship..
- Finlandia
- morte
- istruzione
- Georgia
- età
- bello
- Polonia