Сквер сибирских кошек в Тюмени
"Сквер сибирских кошек" расположен в центре Тюмени (Россия). Он был основан в 2008 году. Название сквера связано с легендой о том, что после блокады Ленинграда, город был заполонен крысами. Для борьбы с ними тюменцы отправили целый вагон кошек, пойманных в Тюмени. Всего из Сибири в Ленинград было отправлено около 5 тысяч кошек. Вдоль сквера установлены скульптуры кошек, покрытые золотой краской.
"The square of Siberian cats" is located in the center of Tyumen (Russia). It was founded in 2008. The name of the square is connected with a legend that after the Siege of Leningrad, the city was captivated by rats. For fight against them residents of Tyumen have sent the whole carriage of the cats caught in Tyumen. In total about 5 thousand cats have been sent to Leningrad from Siberia. Along the square the sculptures of cats covered with gold paint are established.
"The square of Siberian cats" is located in the center of Tyumen (Russia). It was founded in 2008. The name of the square is connected with a legend that after the Siege of Leningrad, the city was captivated by rats. For fight against them residents of Tyumen have sent the whole carriage of the cats caught in Tyumen. In total about 5 thousand cats have been sent to Leningrad from Siberia. Along the square the sculptures of cats covered with gold paint are established.
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