Нектарин - это разновидность персика с гладкой кожицей, как у сливы. Нектарины используют для приготовления десертов, компотов, джемов. Они богаты витаминами А и С. Основные производители нектарина — страны Средиземноморья: Италия, Кипр, Греция, Тунис.
Nectarine is a kind of peach with a smooth thin skin as the plum has. Nectarines are used to make desserts, compotes, jams. They are rich in vitamins A and C. Prime manufacturers of nectarine are the country of the Mediterranean: Italy, Cyprus, Greece, Tunisia.
Nectarine is a kind of peach with a smooth thin skin as the plum has. Nectarines are used to make desserts, compotes, jams. They are rich in vitamins A and C. Prime manufacturers of nectarine are the country of the Mediterranean: Italy, Cyprus, Greece, Tunisia.