Батат известен также как сладкий картофель. Родиной батата являются Перу и Колумбия. Вес клубня батата может достигать 10 кг. Клубни батата широко используют в пищу. Полезных свойств батата намного больше, чем у картофеля. В зависимости от вида батат бывает со вкусом банана с орехом, просто банана, тыквы, дыни, орехов, кабачков и даже каштана. Клубни используются для производства сахара, муки, патоки и даже спирта. Листья добавляют в салаты, а семена используют как суррогат кофе.
Вatatas is known also as sweet potatoes. The homeland of sweet potato are Peru and Colombia. The weight of a tuber of sweet potato can reach 10 kg. Sweet potato tubers are widely used in food. There are more useful properties in sweet potato than in potatoes. Depending on a sort of sweet potato can taste a banana with nut, just banana, pumpkin, a melon, nuts, vegetable marrows and even a chestnut. Tubers are used for production of sugar, flour, treacle and even alcohol. Leaves are added to salads, and seeds are used as a coffee substitute.
Вatatas is known also as sweet potatoes. The homeland of sweet potato are Peru and Colombia. The weight of a tuber of sweet potato can reach 10 kg. Sweet potato tubers are widely used in food. There are more useful properties in sweet potato than in potatoes. Depending on a sort of sweet potato can taste a banana with nut, just banana, pumpkin, a melon, nuts, vegetable marrows and even a chestnut. Tubers are used for production of sugar, flour, treacle and even alcohol. Leaves are added to salads, and seeds are used as a coffee substitute.
- γλυκός
- ζάχαρη
- σαλάτα
- πατάτα
- πατρίδα
- χρήσιμος