Советский мотоцикл Восход
Первые советские мотоциклы Восход начали производить в городе Ковров Владимирской области в 1957 году. Это были очень неприхотливые одноцилиндровые мотоциклы с объемом двигателя сто семьдесят три и семь кубических сантиметров. Завод имени Дягтерёва постоянно усовершенствовал эту модель. Благодаря своей надежности этот мотоцикл был востребован в русских деревнях.
The first Soviet Voskhod motorcycles were made in the city of Kovrov of the Vladimir region in 1957. They were very unpretentious single-cylinder motorcycles with an engine displacement of one hundred seventy three and seven cubic centimeters. The plant of Dyagteryov has constantly improved this model. Thanks to its reliability this motorcycle was in a big demand in the Russian villages.
The first Soviet Voskhod motorcycles were made in the city of Kovrov of the Vladimir region in 1957. They were very unpretentious single-cylinder motorcycles with an engine displacement of one hundred seventy three and seven cubic centimeters. The plant of Dyagteryov has constantly improved this model. Thanks to its reliability this motorcycle was in a big demand in the Russian villages.
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