Сегодня родился Тредиаковский Василий Кириллович
5 марта 1703 года в Астрахани родился Тредиаковский Василий Кириллович. Это самобытный русский поэт, музыкант и композитор, переводчик и филолог XVIII века. Он впервые в русском языке и литературе теоретически разделил поэзию и прозу. Он предложил смелый проект развития русского языка и литературы, который был отвергнут его современниками, и был в полной мере воспринят лишь эстетическим сознанием ХХ века.
On March 5, 1703 in Astrakhan Trediakovsky Vasily Kirillovich was born. This is an original Russian poet, a musician and a composer, athe translator and a philologist of the 18th century. For the first time in Russian and literature he has theoretically divided poetry and prose. He has offered the courageous project of development of Russian and literature which has been rejected him by contemporaries, and has fully been apprehended only by esthetic consciousness of the XX century.
On March 5, 1703 in Astrakhan Trediakovsky Vasily Kirillovich was born. This is an original Russian poet, a musician and a composer, athe translator and a philologist of the 18th century. For the first time in Russian and literature he has theoretically divided poetry and prose. He has offered the courageous project of development of Russian and literature which has been rejected him by contemporaries, and has fully been apprehended only by esthetic consciousness of the XX century.
- φιλόλογος
- τολμηρός
- μεταφραστής
- μουσικός
- συνθέτης
- ανάπτυξη
- ποίηση
- λογοτεχνία