Сальвия - это психотропное растение, которое также известно под названием "Шалфей предсказателей". Сальвия растет преимущественно в Мексике. Впервые растение было открыто в 1962 году. Предположительно, сальвия была священным растением ацтеков. В России сальвия входит в Список I Перечня наркотических средств, психотропных веществ и их прекурсоров, подлежащих контролю в Российской Федерации. Продажа сальвии запрещена. Однако сальвия является также красивым декоративным растением.
Salviya is a psychotropic plant which is also known under the name "Sage of Predictors". Salviya grows mainly in Mexico. For the first time it was discovered in 1962. Presumably, the salviya was a sacred plant of Aztecs. in Russia the salviya is included into the List I of the List of the drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors which are subject to control in the Russian Federation. Sale of the salviya is forbidden. However salviya is also a beautiful ornamental plant.
Salviya is a psychotropic plant which is also known under the name "Sage of Predictors". Salviya grows mainly in Mexico. For the first time it was discovered in 1962. Presumably, the salviya was a sacred plant of Aztecs. in Russia the salviya is included into the List I of the List of the drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors which are subject to control in the Russian Federation. Sale of the salviya is forbidden. However salviya is also a beautiful ornamental plant.
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