Калуга - это русский город, который расположен на берегах реки Оки. Калугу называют колыбелью космонавтики, поскольку в этом городе жил и работал выдающийся изобретатель и теоретик космонавтики Константин Циолковский. В 1967 году в Калуге был открыт музей истории космонавтики, первый в мире и крупнейший в России, созданный при непосредственном участии Сергея Королёва и Юрия Гагарина.
Kaluga is a Russian city which is located on banks of the river of Oka. Kaluga is called an astronautics cradle as in this city a outstanding inventor and a theorist of astronautics Konstantin Tsiolkovsky lived and worked. In 1967 in Kaluga the museum of history of astronautics, first-ever and the largest in Russia, created with Sergey Korolyov and Yury Gagarin's direct participation was opened.
Kaluga is a Russian city which is located on banks of the river of Oka. Kaluga is called an astronautics cradle as in this city a outstanding inventor and a theorist of astronautics Konstantin Tsiolkovsky lived and worked. In 1967 in Kaluga the museum of history of astronautics, first-ever and the largest in Russia, created with Sergey Korolyov and Yury Gagarin's direct participation was opened.
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