станция метро Достоевская
19 июня 2010 года была официально открыта станция метро Достоевская в Москве. Она стала сто восемьдесят первой станцией метро в Москве. Станция находится рядом с Театром Российской Армии. На стенах станции изображены сцены, иллюстрирующие четыре романа Фёдора Достоевского «Преступление и наказание», «Идиот», «Бесы», «Братья Карамазовы».
On June 19, 2010 the Dostoevskaya metro station in Moscow has been officially opened. It became the hundred eighty first metro station in Moscow. The station is located near the Theatre of the Russian Army. On walls of the station the scenes illustrating four novels of Fyodor Dostoyevsky "Crime and punishment", "Idiot", "Demons", "Brothers Karamazov" are represented.
On June 19, 2010 the Dostoevskaya metro station in Moscow has been officially opened. It became the hundred eighty first metro station in Moscow. The station is located near the Theatre of the Russian Army. On walls of the station the scenes illustrating four novels of Fyodor Dostoyevsky "Crime and punishment", "Idiot", "Demons", "Brothers Karamazov" are represented.
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