Большой Гатчинский дворец
Большой Гатчинский дворец расположен в городе Гатчина (Россия). Он был построен в восемнадцатом веке по проекту архитектора Антонио Ринальди для фаворита Екатерины II графа Григория Орлова. Замок построен в стиле классицизма. В 1944 году замок был разрушен, однако сейчас ведутся работы по его восстановлению. Здание и интерьеры Гатчинского дворца часто привлекали внимание кинематографистов и становились декорациями при съёмках многих художественных фильмов.
The big Gatchina palace is located in the city of Gatchina (Russia). It has been constructed in the eighteenth century on the project of the architect Antonio Rinaldi for Catherine II's favourite count Grigory Orlov. The palace is constructed in style of classicism. In 1944 the place wasdestroyed, however works on his restoration are now conducted. The building and interiors of the Gatchina palace often drew attention of cinematographers and became scenery when shootings many feature films.
The big Gatchina palace is located in the city of Gatchina (Russia). It has been constructed in the eighteenth century on the project of the architect Antonio Rinaldi for Catherine II's favourite count Grigory Orlov. The palace is constructed in style of classicism. In 1944 the place wasdestroyed, however works on his restoration are now conducted. The building and interiors of the Gatchina palace often drew attention of cinematographers and became scenery when shootings many feature films.
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