Вперед в Тулу
Славный город Тула славится своими самоварами, тульскими пряниками и наливкой "Тульский Сувенир". В Туле туристы непременно посещают музей оружия, музей пряников и музей самоваров. В 14 км к юго-западу от Тулы находится дом-музей выдающегося русского писателя Льва Толстого "Ясная Поляна".
The nice city of Tula is famous for its samovars, the Tula gingerbreads and the Tula Souvenir fruit liqueur. In Tula tourists always visit the museum of the weapon, the museum of gingerbreads and the museum of samovars. There is a house museum of the outstanding Russian writer Lev Tolstoy "Yasnaya Polyana" in 14 km to the southwest from Tula.
The nice city of Tula is famous for its samovars, the Tula gingerbreads and the Tula Souvenir fruit liqueur. In Tula tourists always visit the museum of the weapon, the museum of gingerbreads and the museum of samovars. There is a house museum of the outstanding Russian writer Lev Tolstoy "Yasnaya Polyana" in 14 km to the southwest from Tula.