Сегодня родился Беллинсгаузен Фаддей Фаддеевич
20 сентября 1778 родился Беллинсгаузен Фаддей Фаддеевич. Это русский мореплаватель немецкого происхождения, первооткрыватель Антарктиды. В 1803-1806 годах Беллинсгаузен участвовал в первом кругосветном плавании русских судов на шлюпе «Надежда» под командой Ивана Крузенштерна. По окончании плавания произведён в чин капитан-лейтенанта.
Поход экспедиции Беллинсгаузена по справедливости считается одним из самых важных и трудных, когда-либо совершённых. Знаменитый Кук в 70-х годах XVIII века первый достиг южнополярных морей и, встретив в нескольких местах сплошной лёд, объявил, что далее его невозможно проникнуть на юг. Ему поверили, и 45 лет не было организовано южнополярных экспедиций. Беллинсгаузен доказал неверность этого мнения. В ходе экспедиции были открыты материк Антарктида и 29 островов.
Bellingshausen Faddei Faddeevich was born 20 of September 1778. This is a Russian seafarer with German origins, the discoverer of Antarctica. In 1803-1806 Bellingshausen took part in the first global sailing of the Russian courts on a sloop "Hope" with Ivan Krusenstern's team. In the end of the sailing he got a lieutenant commander rank. Bellingshausen's expedition is considered as one of the most important and difficult, ever made. The well-known James Cook in the seventies of the XVIII century was the first reached South polar seas and, having met continuous ice in several places, said that it is impossible to get further to the south. Everybody believed, and next 45 years din't try to organize South polar expeditions. Bellingshausen proved incorrectness of this opinion. During his expedition the continent Antarctica and 29 islands were discovered.
Bellingshausen Faddei Faddeevich was born 20 of September 1778. This is a Russian seafarer with German origins, the discoverer of Antarctica. In 1803-1806 Bellingshausen took part in the first global sailing of the Russian courts on a sloop "Hope" with Ivan Krusenstern's team. In the end of the sailing he got a lieutenant commander rank. Bellingshausen's expedition is considered as one of the most important and difficult, ever made. The well-known James Cook in the seventies of the XVIII century was the first reached South polar seas and, having met continuous ice in several places, said that it is impossible to get further to the south. Everybody believed, and next 45 years din't try to organize South polar expeditions. Bellingshausen proved incorrectness of this opinion. During his expedition the continent Antarctica and 29 islands were discovered.
- σήμερα
- πρώτος
- ανοιχτός
- νησί
- είναι αδύνατον
- αρχηγός
- ομάδα