Сегодня родился Парийский Николай Николаевич
30 сентября 1900 года родился Парийский Николай Николаевич. Это советский астроном и геофизик. Родился в Санкт-Петербурге, в 1924 окончил МГУ, после чего работал в нём до 1960. С 1935 работал в Институте физики Земли АН СССР. Основные труды в области астрономии посвящены космогонии, вопросам вращения Земли, природе солнечной короны; в области геофизики - изучению приливных деформаций Земли, гравиметрии. Один из основателей гравиметрических исследований в СССР. В 1943 доказал несостоятельность гипотезы Дж. X. Джинса о происхождении Солнечной системы. Ему удалось получить оценку векового замедления скорости вращения Земли.
On September 30, 1900 Pariysky Nikolay Nikolaevich was born. He is a Soviet astronomer and a geophysicist. He was born in St. Petersburg, in 1924 he was graduated from MSU then worked in it till 1960. Since 1935 he worked at Institute of physics of Earth of Academy of Sciences of USSR. His main works about astronomy are devoted to a cosmogony, questions of rotation of Earth, a nature of a solar crown; in geophysics (studying of tidal deformations of Earth, gravitation measurements). He was one of founders of gravimetric researches in USSR. In 1943 he proved insolvency of a hypothesis of J. X. Dzhinsa about an origin of Solar system. He could get an assessment of century delay of speed of Earth's rotation.
On September 30, 1900 Pariysky Nikolay Nikolaevich was born. He is a Soviet astronomer and a geophysicist. He was born in St. Petersburg, in 1924 he was graduated from MSU then worked in it till 1960. Since 1935 he worked at Institute of physics of Earth of Academy of Sciences of USSR. His main works about astronomy are devoted to a cosmogony, questions of rotation of Earth, a nature of a solar crown; in geophysics (studying of tidal deformations of Earth, gravitation measurements). He was one of founders of gravimetric researches in USSR. In 1943 he proved insolvency of a hypothesis of J. X. Dzhinsa about an origin of Solar system. He could get an assessment of century delay of speed of Earth's rotation.
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