Основан Петропавловск-Камчатский
17 октября 1740 года был основан город Петропавловск-Камчатский - будущая столица Камчатки. Город был основан участниками второй Камчатской экспедиции Витуса Беринга. В районе Авачинской губы экспедиция перезимовала в бухте, где и было заложено первое поселение, которое чуть позже стало городом Петропавловск-Камчатский. Город был назван по имени двух кораблей экспедиции «Святой Пётр» и «Святой Павел». Сегодня вблизи города возвышаются действующие вулканы. Это место дислокации базы Тихоокеанского флота России.
On October 17, 1740 the city Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky - future capital of Kamchatka was founded. The city was founded by participants of the second Kamchatka expedition of Vitus Beringa. Near the Avacha bay expedition wintered in a bay where was founded the first settlement which became the city Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. The city was called by name of two ships of the expedition "Saint Peter" and "Saint Pavel". Today there are active volcanoes near the city. This is a place of a dislocation of base of the Pacific fleet of Russia.
On October 17, 1740 the city Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky - future capital of Kamchatka was founded. The city was founded by participants of the second Kamchatka expedition of Vitus Beringa. Near the Avacha bay expedition wintered in a bay where was founded the first settlement which became the city Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. The city was called by name of two ships of the expedition "Saint Peter" and "Saint Pavel". Today there are active volcanoes near the city. This is a place of a dislocation of base of the Pacific fleet of Russia.
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