Испытания Царь-бомбы
30 октября 1961 года были проведены испытания самого мощного взрывного устройства за всю историю человечества. Речь идет о термоядерной советской бомбе известной под названием "Царь-бомба" (АН602, РДС-202 и РН202). Полная энергия ее взрыва составляла около 58,6 мегатонн в тротиловом эквиваленте. Бомба была разработана в СССР. Разработка этой бомбы велась 7 лет. Во время испытаний бомба была сброшена с борта самолета с высоты 10 500 метров на парашютной системе. Огненный шар взрыва достиг радиуса примерно 4,6 километра. Ядерный гриб взрыва поднялся на высоту 67 километров; диаметр его двухъярусной «шляпки» достиг 95 километров. Ощутимая сейсмическая волна, возникшая в результате взрыва, три раза обогнула земной шар. Основной целью испытания была демонстрация владения Советским Союзом неограниченным по мощности оружием массового поражения.
On October 30, 1961 the most powerful explosive device for all history of mankind were tested. A thermonuclear Soviet bomb known under the name "Tzar Bomb" (AN602, RDS-202 and RN202). The total energy of its explosion was about 58,6 megatons in a trotyl equivalent. The bomb was developed in the USSR. This bomb was under development for 7 years. During tests the bomb was dropped from a plane board from height of 10 500 meters on parachute system. The fiery sphere of explosion reached radius about 4,6 kilometers. The nuclear mushroom of explosion rose by height of 67 kilometers; diameter of its two-parts "hat" reached 95 kilometers. The notable seismic wave which was made by explosion rounded the globe for three times. The main objective of that test was demonstration of possession of the Soviet Union of weapons of mass destruction, unlimited on power.
On October 30, 1961 the most powerful explosive device for all history of mankind were tested. A thermonuclear Soviet bomb known under the name "Tzar Bomb" (AN602, RDS-202 and RN202). The total energy of its explosion was about 58,6 megatons in a trotyl equivalent. The bomb was developed in the USSR. This bomb was under development for 7 years. During tests the bomb was dropped from a plane board from height of 10 500 meters on parachute system. The fiery sphere of explosion reached radius about 4,6 kilometers. The nuclear mushroom of explosion rose by height of 67 kilometers; diameter of its two-parts "hat" reached 95 kilometers. The notable seismic wave which was made by explosion rounded the globe for three times. The main objective of that test was demonstration of possession of the Soviet Union of weapons of mass destruction, unlimited on power.
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