Сегодня родился Антокольский Марк Матвеевич
2 ноября 1843 года родился Антокольский Марк Матвеевич. Это выдающийся русский скульптор-реалист, профессор скульптуры. Он был младшим, седьмым, ребёнком в еврейской семье. Его родители были людьми небогатыми и очень религиозными. С детства он любил рисовать и рисовал везде: на стенах, на столе и так далее. Родители относились резко негативно к увлечению сына. Но, когда ребёнок подрос, его отдали в обучение к резчику по дереву. Благодаря ходатайству жены генерал-губернатора Назимова, талантливый Марк был принят в Академию Художеств. В 1864 году Антокольскому была присвоена серебряная медаль за горельеф «Еврей-портной», а в 1868 году - золотая за горельеф «Скупой». В 1871 году, после окончания Академии, Антокольский уезжает в Рим и Париж. Антокольский создавал скульптуры по всему миру.
On November 2, 1843 Antokolsky Mark Matveevich was born. This is an outstanding Russian sculptor realist, professor of a sculpture. He was younger, the seventh, child in the Jewish family. His parents were people rather poor and very religious. Since his childhood he liked to draw and drew everywhere: on walls, on a table and so on. His parents were against a hobby of the son. But, when the child grew up, they sent him for training to the woodcarver. Thanks to the petition of the wife of the governor general Nazimov, talented Mark was admitted to Academy of Arts. In 1864 the silver medal for a high relief "The Jewish tailor", and in 1868 - gold for a high relief "Avaricious" was appropriated to Antokolsky. In 1871, after the graduating from the Academy, Antokolsky went to Rome and Paris. Antokolsky created sculptures worldwide.
On November 2, 1843 Antokolsky Mark Matveevich was born. This is an outstanding Russian sculptor realist, professor of a sculpture. He was younger, the seventh, child in the Jewish family. His parents were people rather poor and very religious. Since his childhood he liked to draw and drew everywhere: on walls, on a table and so on. His parents were against a hobby of the son. But, when the child grew up, they sent him for training to the woodcarver. Thanks to the petition of the wife of the governor general Nazimov, talented Mark was admitted to Academy of Arts. In 1864 the silver medal for a high relief "The Jewish tailor", and in 1868 - gold for a high relief "Avaricious" was appropriated to Antokolsky. In 1871, after the graduating from the Academy, Antokolsky went to Rome and Paris. Antokolsky created sculptures worldwide.
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