Сегодня родился Брюллов Карл Павлович
12 декабря 1799 года родился Брюллов Карл Павлович. Это русский художник, живописец, монументалист, акварелист, представитель академизма. Творчество Брюллова стало вершиной позднего русского романтизма, когда чувство гармонической цельности и красоты мира сменилось ощущением трагизма и конфликтности жизни, интересом к сильным страстям, необычайным темам и ситуациям. В его работе на первый план выдвигалась историческая картина, но теперь её главная тема - не борьба героев, как в классицизме, а судьбы огромных человеческих масс.
On December 12, 1799 Bryullov Karl Pavlovich was born. This is a Russian artist, a painter, a sculptor of monuments, an aquarellist, a representative of academism. Bryullov's creativity became top of late Russian romanticism when the feeling of harmonious integrity and beauty of the world was changed by feeling of tragic element and a conflictness of life, interest in strong passions, extraordinary subjects and situations. Historical picture was the main in his work, but now its main subject - not fight of heroes, as in classicism, and destinies of huge human masses is put in the forefront.
On December 12, 1799 Bryullov Karl Pavlovich was born. This is a Russian artist, a painter, a sculptor of monuments, an aquarellist, a representative of academism. Bryullov's creativity became top of late Russian romanticism when the feeling of harmonious integrity and beauty of the world was changed by feeling of tragic element and a conflictness of life, interest in strong passions, extraordinary subjects and situations. Historical picture was the main in his work, but now its main subject - not fight of heroes, as in classicism, and destinies of huge human masses is put in the forefront.
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