Болоньский заповедник
Заповедник Болоньский заповедник находится в Хабаровском крае, недалеко от города Амурска (Россия). Он был создан 18 ноября 1997 года. Флора и фауна заповедника довольно разнообразны. Этот заповедник был создан с целью сохранения биологического разнообразия растений и животных на этой территории.
The Bolon Reserve is in Khabarovsk Krai, near the city of Amursk (Russia). It was created on November 18, 1997. The flora and fauna of the reserve are quite various. This reserve was created for the purpose of saving biological diversity of plants and animals in this territory.
The Bolon Reserve is in Khabarovsk Krai, near the city of Amursk (Russia). It was created on November 18, 1997. The flora and fauna of the reserve are quite various. This reserve was created for the purpose of saving biological diversity of plants and animals in this territory.
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- animal