Волшанинова Нелли Николаевна
2 февраля 1959 года в Москве в семье цыганских актёров родилась Волшанинова Нелли Николаевна. Это советская киноактриса. Самые известные фильмы с участием обворожительной Нелли Волшаниновой: "Алеко", "Два гусара", "Я готов принять вызов", "Пора красных яблок", "Короли и капуста", а также многие другие.
On February 2, 1959 in Moscow in a family of the Gipsy actors Volshaninova Nellie Nikolaevna was born. This is a Soviet film actress. The most famous movies with charming Nellie Volshaninova's participation are: "Alecko", "Two hussars", "I am ready to accept a call", "A time of red apples", "Kings and cabbage" and also many others.
On February 2, 1959 in Moscow in a family of the Gipsy actors Volshaninova Nellie Nikolaevna was born. This is a Soviet film actress. The most famous movies with charming Nellie Volshaninova's participation are: "Alecko", "Two hussars", "I am ready to accept a call", "A time of red apples", "Kings and cabbage" and also many others.
- aceptar, recibir, tomar
- col
- preparado
- manzana
- rojo