город Владимир
Владимир - это один из крупнейших туристических центров европейской части России. Он входит в Золотое кольцо России. Первые люди стали появляться на территории, которую занимает современный город, около тридцати — двадцати пяти тысяч лет назад в эпоху палеолита. Владимир был основан князем Владимиром Мономахом приблизительно в 1108 году. Самые известные достопримечательности Владимира: Золотые Ворота, Успенский собор, Водонапорная башня и многие другие.
Vladimir is one of the largest tourist centers of the European part of Russia. It enters the Golden Ring of Russia. The first people began to appear in the territory which is occupied by the modern city, about thirty — twenty five thousand years ago during paleolith era. Vladimir was based by the prince Vladimir Monomakh approximately in 1108. The most known sights of Vladimir are: Golden Gate, Assumption Cathedral, Water tower and many others.
Vladimir is one of the largest tourist centers of the European part of Russia. It enters the Golden Ring of Russia. The first people began to appear in the territory which is occupied by the modern city, about thirty — twenty five thousand years ago during paleolith era. Vladimir was based by the prince Vladimir Monomakh approximately in 1108. The most known sights of Vladimir are: Golden Gate, Assumption Cathedral, Water tower and many others.
- catedral
- aparecer
- anillo
- ciudad
- dorado