Сегодня родился Клодт Пётр Карлович
5 июня 1805 года родился Клодт Пётр Карлович. Это талантливый русский скульптор и литейный мастер, представитель позднего классицизма. Большой успех Петру Клодту принесли его статуэтки лошадей. Успешным продолжением карьеры скульптора стал большой правительственный заказ на скульптурное оформление Нарвских ворот.
On June 5, 1805 Clodt Pyotr Karlovic was born. This is a talented Russian sculptor and a foundry master, a representative of late classicism. Great success was brought to Pyotr Clodt by his figurines of horses. The big government order for sculptural design of the Narva gate became successful continuation of the career of the sculptor.
On June 5, 1805 Clodt Pyotr Karlovic was born. This is a talented Russian sculptor and a foundry master, a representative of late classicism. Great success was brought to Pyotr Clodt by his figurines of horses. The big government order for sculptural design of the Narva gate became successful continuation of the career of the sculptor.
- éxito
- talentoso
- representante
- maestro
- caballo